Friday, January 27, 2012


When I look around, I see a broken world.  Nothing is as it should be - everything is flawed or failing.  Troubles are everywhere - unavoidable.  There are people around every bend who will steal you blind or take advantage of you whenever possible.  There are dangers everywhere, from tornadoes to rabid dogs, and from bullets to clogged arteries.  In this world there are only shades of goodness.  Nothing is truly good - everything is marred and will abused or decay.  Sometimes it is so discouraging that you just want to close your eyes and pretend it doesn't exist.

At those times, I wish I would remember the contrast.  All these blemishes - all the mars and stains, all the corruption and misdeeds, all the troubles and dangers - they are worldly and they will pass.  I lament at the darkness of this world, but I can't even imagine what it would be like if it were completely good and pure.  The contrast will be so far beyond my wildest dreams.  I detest the evil, and know that I can't avoid it.  However, even though I cannot avoid it today, there will be a day when I will be free from it.  In heaven, the disgust of the world system will be replaced with a delight for what is totally good.  I look forward to that delight - and wait impatiently.

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